Ship with confidence: Preferential rates with Carssa Mexico

Benefits of shipping with

Fast and safe

Packages on time and in optimum condition.

Own rates

Connect your own rates within Envia.

Wide coverage

We work with 100+ carriers.

Find out how much it costs to ship with Carssa

Find out how much it costs to ship with Carssa: national and international shipments

Learn about the services offered Carssa

Pickup schedules

From 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Maximum weights

Package: 30.00 KgPallet: 2500 Kg

Collections are requested directly from Envia.

Carssa Ground

Box 2-5 días

Volumetric factor:

Length x Width x Height / 5000

Carssa Estandar LTL

Pallet 2-5 días

Volumetric factor:

Length x Width x Height / 5000

Carssa Ground

Box 2-5 días

Volumetric factor:

Length x Width x Height / 5000

Carssa Estandar LTL

Pallet 2-5 días

Volumetric factor:

Length x Width x Height / 5000

Coverage areas Carssa

You can make national shipments with the carrier.
Search if there are branches near you

Multiple additional services Carssa

Add additional services for the different requirements of your packages.

Contact us

Our sales and support team is always on the lookout to answer your questions

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